
Natalia Hutaruk

Фото фіналіста

Location: Zaporizhia

School: KZ “Zaporizhzhya specialized boarding school of II-III degrees “Sich Collegium” ZOR

Subject: English

What is your teaching superpower?

Ability to cultivate emotional intelligence in students so that they can feel confident everywhere, as well as skills to “be” (understand their social role), “know” (self-assess progress), “act” (get rid of weaknesses), and “coexist” (get along with the team). Ms. Hutaruk’s students, winners of the Academy of Sciences, can maintain a “cold mind” and generate convincing arguments before the strictest commissions.

21st Century Teacher: Who are they in a nutshell?

They are attentive to the possibilities of improving the educational process even in microscopic details. Ms. Hutaruk is sure that every. She uses peer-teaching practice which enables students of different ages and subject profiles to work together on specific projects.

What skills do Alpha generation students need? 

Ability to work in a team and resolve conflicts through cooperation, as well as the ability to listen to oneself and not be afraid to go against the flow. Ms. Hutaruk’s students are active participants in more than 30 short- and long-term projects, including intercultural.

Professional dream: 

To heighten the social status of the teaching profession. To do so, Ms. Natalia joins international projects and improves teacher sessions in her collegium.

Source of inspiration: 

Belief in the existence of common values for all countries and peoples that lead to positive change. And also educational reform as a driver to improve the educational process in Ukrainian schools.