Serhii Petrovych

Location: Vinnytsia
School: Secondary school №16 of Vinnytsia City Council of grades I-III (also Vinnytsia College of the National University of Food Technologies)
Subject: Technology, Computer Science
What is your teaching superpower?
They are always able to hear the child, despite hearing problems. Serhii believes that there are two parallel dimensions of life: ordinary people and people with disabilities. In his opinion, the gap should be reduced. Therefore, in his school, he instills in students tolerance and empathy for everyone around him. For example, during information projects, Serhii’s students take panoramic photos of churches of different religions and confessions — so they learn to understand and respect everyone’s choice.
21st Century Teacher: Who are they in a nutshell?
Innovative and inspiring. In his college, Serhii equipped the SMART physics classroom, which has no analogs in Ukraine. There are special sensors in space that collect information about the environment. Thus it is easier for students to perform laboratory work and understand where unclear indicators come from.
What skills do Alpha generation students need? Adaptability to the rapidly changing world, as well as the ability to quickly process large amounts of information and think critically. Serhii is convinced that every student should constantly develop and not be afraid of defeat. It is important to remain optimistic, regardless of the circumstances. So, to amuse the students, he often talks about family dances: there are Serhii, his wife, son, and a house robot on the dance floor.
Professional dream: Create an inclusive environment for teachers with disabilities. Serhii breaks social stereotypes with his example of pedagogical success.
Source of inspiration: Students who do not forget about the teacher even after school. The graduates consider Serhii as their best friend and invite him to their weddings.